Sunday, July 25, 2010

It's been a long time since I rock and rolled...

So, I know it has been FOREVER since my last one, but life became
rapidly occupied and, without constant access to the internet, it is
hard to keep up.

The organization is nearing completion. After losing my helper, I
reorganized some of the shoes, since I was not quite satisfied with
how they were before. Then Gypsy concluded and the room went back
into shambles because whoever struck the costumes just piled them in a
corner and put stuff here and there. Oh well, so it goes.

After getting that mess mostly sorted out, I asked the Costumes
Mistress to come in and see all that we had accomplished thus far.
She seemed rather impressed, liking the fact the we had sized all the
pants and skirts and ordered them neatly in paper sacks, which, I must
say, are really quite durable. She had been concerned about this idea
before, but seeing as how we fit all the sacks into the totes and had
enough room and more bags for expansion, she was pleased. She offered
a few comments on the hats and jackets, which I had been puzzling over
for sometime, since there were more jackets then there was room. The
solution was a bit of shifting and accommodating for the over throwing out some truly awful specimens.

After she helped me a bit, it was time for a mini vacation, where I
took off a week and a half to go down to San Francisco, which was
lovely, and helped my grandmother around the house.

When I got back, the next show was in the middle of it's process and I
assisted with finding some articles of clothing for the costume
designer and director. They also seemed impressed with my work and
vowed to try to keep it up after I left. I really do hope they
attempt to, but knowing how it goes, I at least hope my efforts will
last until the end of next season.

My time at this theatre is nearing the end. I still have some period
costumes to finish up, but after that, I believe I shall have to bid
adieu to this nice little theatre in Nor Cal. Although I haven't
accomplished and finished everything I set out to do, at least you can
walk around the costume shop without jumping over piles on the floor.
I shall hopefully have one or two more posts before the end, so we
shall see!

Au revoir pour le moment.

Sent from my mobile device

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